The Tasambo Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture uses a two-phase review process approach.
A - Blind Review (External Review)
At this stage, articles sent to Tasambo JLLC are assigned to a relevant external reviewer, an expert in the domain. Reviewed articles are returned to authors with reports and further instructions accordingly.
B - Internal Review (Internal Editing)
Authors whose articles are accepted will be requested to make updates, as the case may be, according to the suggestions of the reviewer and returned the updated articles. The Editorial Team confirms those articles and moves them to the next phase, Internal Editing. At this stage, articles are assigned to editors who only pay attention to grammatical accuracy and physical styling. They fix all obvious grammatical misfits and adjust the typesetting of the articles where needed.
Note: As articles are not returned to authors after Internal Editing, authors are expected to carefully go through the galley proofs that will be sent to them after final typesetting and report to the Editorial Team if any of the changes made by Internal Editors calls for concern.