Communicative Function of Nonverbal Cues in Hausa Prose Fiction


    Fictional writing is goal oriented and those goals can only be achieved through effective communication. In literary communication, the text is the foundation upon which the writer establishes or rather constructs meaning. But, meaning can only be achieved through the skilful use of verbal and nonverbal forms of communication as shown by many scholars (Knapp, Hall & Horgan 2014), (Kendon 1990), (Band ull 2012). Therefore, the use of gestures, postures touch, time, space and distance to define characters and what they do is essential in any fictional writing. This paper studies the communicative impact of nonverbal signals in Hausa prose fiction, with data drawn from the novel Mafarkin Khadija. The data was interpreted based on context. The study shows the ubiquitous nature of nonverbal signals in meaning-making, establishing the fact that, the significance of communication is not in words alone, but rather, in the overall process through the use of verbal and nonverbal repertoire.

    Keywords: Hausa, communication, Hausa Prose fiction, nonverbal communication


    author/Adamu, A.U. & Maimota, A.S.

    journal/Tasambo JLLC | 15 June 2023 |  P. 39-44

