Abstract: Modern theories of metaphor, both in theoretical and applied contexts, demonstrate the ability to adapt to various linguistic texts, transcending temporal and spatial constraints. The title of the study is: "An Applied Study of Metaphor and Its Classifications by Leech and George Landau in the Poetry of Abu Firas Al-Hamdani." This study aims to explore and apply the theories of metaphor proposed by Geoffrey Leech and George Landau to the poetry of Abu Firas Al-Hamdani. It examines how metaphorical elements are employed in Al-Hamdani's poetry to convey his emotions to the audience, highlighting the significance of metaphor in poetic composition.
DOI: www.doi.org/10.36349/tjllc.2024.v03i01.050
author/Dr. Abdullahi Abdurrahman
journal/Tasambo JLLC | 15 February 2024 | Article 50