تحديات جائحة كرونا على تطور اللغة العربية في ولاية غومبي " قصيدة المحامي آدم عثمان نموذجا" دراسة أدبية تحليلية

    Abstract: This research aims to highlight a global pandemic that has had widespread effects across the world. The study delves into the causes and factors contributing to its emergence, as well as its impact on various aspects of human life, including religious, social, economic, and political domains. Additionally, the research endeavors to analyze a poem by Adam Usman that provides a detailed depiction of the coronavirus and critiques the dissemination of misinformation through communication channels. Employing an analytical approach, the research scrutinizes the complexities surrounding the pandemic and its implications. Ultimately, it presents summarized conclusions and offers recommendations based on the findings.

    Keywords: Global Pandemic, Religion, Economy, Politics

    DOI: www.doi.org/10.36349/tjllc.2024.v03i01.049

    author/Muhammad Bashir Muhammad & Mohammed Abdulhamid

    journal/Tasambo JLLC | 15 February 2024 |  Article 49