تفاعلية صيغ الأمر بين حقولها الدلاليَّة وأغراضها البلاغيَّة في كتاب؛ "روائع الحكم في بدائع الكلم" لعمر محمد الأول الإمام (دراسة لغويَّة تطبيقيَّة)

    Abstract: The formulas and pairs within structures are simplified and engage with semantic fields at a higher level, enabling the image to perceive and comprehend the rooted structure to derive meaning. Content is shaped by the arrangement of sentence words, interconnecting their meanings proportionally through scrutiny, proof, analysis, and reasoning. Each component contributes to the composition's origin, structure, and wisdom, employing morphology and depiction. As sentences manifest speech and represent psychological images of natural composition, letters, with their sounds, movements, and placements, hold moral significance. This research aims to delve into a specific book, "Masterpieces of Wisdom in Marvelous Expressions" by Dr. Umar Muhammad Lawal Al-Imam, uncovering elements impossible to discern solely from its composition, thereby justifying imperative forms according to the word. It explores various purposes of speech and aspects of expressions within clear discourse, distinguishing them by structure and meaning as they synergize. The significance of this study lies in its ability to independently establish analogies and standards for employing imperative verbs, elucidating their meanings within the context of the analyzed book. By revealing multiple patterns of relationships, it enhances the recipient's understanding of text rulings through organized word structures.

    DOI: www.doi.org/10.36349/tjllc.2024.v03i01.048

    author/Adam Ishaka Jibrin

    journal/Tasambo JLLC | 15 February 2024 |  Article 48