Fishing has long been a revered traditional
occupation within Hausa society, dating back to ancient times. This paper,
titled "The Fishermen's Magic and Wonders," aims to analyze the
magical and extraordinary practices exhibited by fishermen in Hausa society
during traditional ceremonies, special occasions, or in times of dire
predicament. Given
the inherent risks and dangers associated with fishing, fishermen have
historically sought precautions and protections against the hazards they
encounter in rivers. This necessity has rendered them deeply knowledgeable and
vigilant in all activities related to water. Additionally, they offer
specialized treatments or remedies to individuals afflicted by waterborne
diseases or injuries sustained from encounters with dangerous aquatic animals.
DOI: www.doi.org/10.36349/tjllc.2024.v03i01.034
author/Dr. Musa Shehu
journal/Tasambo JLLC | 15 February 2024 | Article 34